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Ha az oldal űrlapot is tartalmaz, annak mentése csak érvényes bejelentkezéssel lehetséges.
A bejelentkezés érvényességének meghosszabbításához kérjük lépjen be!
Felhasználó név:
English summary
The history of our society began 100 years ago in 1924. In the 1920s, the scientific approach, treatment and education of childhood diseases gained more and more ground. Professional bases, clinics, children's shelters and children's hospitals specializing in pediatrics opened in many places in the country. At the initiative of Professor János Bókay Jr., the Hungarian Society of Pediatricians was founded in 1924, and has been operating continuously ever since. The goal remains, in line with the founder's intention, to promote the scientific development of pediatrics in Hungary and to expand professional knowledge in order to provide the highest possible level of care for sick children. Pediatricians have been serving society in our country for 100 years, treating and caring for children; during their work, they have cared for 14 million children in the healthcare system so far.


The Hungarian Society of Pediatricians held its annual general meeting again. At the general meeting held in Keszthely between September 15-17, 2023, the delegates listened to and accepted the 4-year report of the organization's Management and Supervisory Board. The general meeting of delegates also elected a new President, Secretary General and Presidency. The next general meeting of delegates voted on who would lead the Hungarian Society of Pediatricians for another 4 years from January 1, 2024.

The majority of the votes was received by Dr. Anikó Nagy, Chief Physician of the Heim Pál National Institute of Pediatrics.

A decision was also made on the person of the new Secretary General. Dr. Katalin Havasi, a family pediatrician and the president of the Association of Family Pediatricians, was elected.
The former president, László Gárdos and the former secretary general Dr. Gábor Mogyorósy will work as Advisory at the Society. 

The members of the new Presidency are:

President: Dr. Anikó Nagy
Secretary General: Dr. Katalin Havasi

Dr. László Ablonczy
Dr. Péter Altorjai
Dr. Csaba Bereczki
Dr. Áron Cseh
Dr. Antal Dezsőfi-Gottl
Dr. Éva Erhardt
Dr. András Fogarasi
Dr. Katalin Hollódy
Dr. Irén Kántor
Dr. Gábor Kovács
Dr. Tamás Kovács,
Dr. László Környei
Dr. Gergely Kriván
Dr. Zsófia Mészner
Dr. Csaba Nádor
Dr. György Póta
Dr. György Reusz
Dr. Viktória Ruszinkó
Dr. Gábor Simon Jr.
Dr. Attila Szabó
Dr. László Szabó
Dr. Miklós Szabó
Dr. Tamás Szabó
Dr. Gyula Tálosi
Dr. Péter Tóth-Heyn
Dr. Dániel Tordas
Dr. György Velkey

Supervisory Board:

Chairman: Dr. György Harmat

Dr. Mihály Kálmán
Dr. Gábor Simon
Dr. Péter Sipos
Dr. Éva Szabó

Evidence Committee:
Chairman: Dr. Dénes Molnár

Disciplinary Committee:
Chairman: Dr. Borbála Mikos

Most már titkosított kapcsolaton keresztül kommunikál a szerverrel.

MGYT tagdíj összege 2022-től:

  • Nyugdíjasoknak, akik nyugdíj mellett munkát nem vállalnak: 3.000.- Ft/év
  • Nem nyugdíjasoknak és azon nyugdíjasoknak, akik nyugdíj mellett munkát vállalnak: 10.000.- Ft/év


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