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Ha az oldal űrlapot is tartalmaz, annak mentése csak érvényes bejelentkezéssel lehetséges.
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Felhasználó név:

A MGYT legfrissebb hírei

Hírkategória: Általános
  • Figyelem!

    A megtekinteni kívánt tartalom archív.

    31st Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Clinical Research (ESPCR) (Budapest, 26-27 May 2023)
    [2023.02.21.] - MGYT - Hírkategória: Általános

    Dear Colleagues,


    As we turn into the new year the 31st Meeting of the European Society of Paediatric Clinical Research (ESPCR) held in Budapest, Hungary on 26-27 May 2023 comes closer and our excitement also increases to welcome you soon!


    Hereby we invite you and young colleagues from your institution to submit scientific or clinical abstracts in the following topics:


    Bioinfomatics in pediatric- and adolescent medicine, basic science, child- and adolescent psychiatry, epidemiology in pediatrics, pediatric dentistry, immunological diseases in children and adolescents, neonatal care, pediatric dermatology, pediatric diabetology and endocrinology, pediatric gastroenterology, pediatric intensive care and emergency medicine, pediatric nephrology, pediatric neurology, pediatric oncology, pediatric pulmonology, pediatric surgery and transplantation, translational medicine.


    Please find more information about the abstract submission and an abstract template on our webpage: 


    The abstract submission deadline is 15 March 2023.


    According to the traditions of our community the participation in the congress is free.


    Please also refer to our webpage for registration and for information on accommodation options and opportunities to spend the long weekend in our marvellous capital city, Budapest!


    We wish you a wonderful year ahead filled joy, success and lively discussions and cooperation in our scientific community!


    We are looking forward to welcoming you in Budapest!


    In the name of the Organizing Committee

    Prof. Radvan Urbanek, Founder of ESPCR - Prof. Attila J. Szabó, Head of the Pediatric Center, Vice-Rector of Clinical Affairs, Semmelweis University

    Organizing Committee:
    Prof. Radvan Urbanek, (Founder of ESPCR)                                                                      
    Prof. Attila J. Szabó (Head of the Pediatric Center, Vice-Rector of Clinical Affairs, Semmelweis University)
    Péter Tóth-Heyn, MD, PhD (Deputy Director of the Pediatric Center, Semmelweis University)
    Virág Hives, MD
    Eszter Lévai, MD


MGYT tagdíj összege 2022-től:

  • Nyugdíjasoknak, akik nyugdíj mellett munkát nem vállalnak: 3.000.- Ft/év
  • Nem nyugdíjasoknak és azon nyugdíjasoknak, akik nyugdíj mellett munkát vállalnak: 10.000.- Ft/év


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